Sunday, October 09, 2005

Coffee's one thing, but coke is another

Coffee's one thing, but coke is another
-- Jennifer Love Hewitt

Hollywood actress Jennifer Love Hewitt believes bosses at fashion retail chain H&M have done Kate Moss "a favour" by dumping her as the company's spokesmodel.

"I have to say that I think maybe they did her a favour, and maybe she'll actually get help. Coffee's one thing, but coke is another. It's not something you want to really have as a problem in your life.

"I think we have to kind of stop rewarding bad behaviour and actually start helping people.

"You know when you're out in public that there are gonna be people who watching you, so you should just try to act like somebody that you would wanna be proud of if they got a photo of you. Not that you should always feel like you're always working, but it goes with the job, I think."

Beauty and the bust

Jess Cartner-Morley
Friday September 23, 2005
The Guardian
For a graphic illustration of double standards in the fashion industry, take a look at this week's issue of Grazia, the celebrity and fashion magazine. On the front, inevitably, is a paparazzi photograph of Kate Moss. She is wearing enormous sunglasses, her hair is tousled and wild; she looks sullen and troubled, as well she might, and possibly hung over - which will surprise nobody who has been conscious in the past eight days. "Kate in crisis: broken and vulnerable," reads the cover's headline.

Now turn to the back cover for another picture of Moss. Again she is wearing enormous sunglasses, her hair untamed; the camera has captured the same signature Moss expression, moody, knowing, vaguely petulant. The caption on this picture reads simply "Dior". It is an advert for sunglasses.


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